spam mail is shit, I just got one and I eddited it around... I made it better :P
> >>> When she acts shy- Knock her out with a bottle
> >>> When she runs away from you- Pull out your tazor and take her out
> >>> When she puts her face near yours- bite her face off
> >>> When she kicks and punches you- curl up in a ball and call the police
> >>> When she is silent- stab her in the lip
> >>> When she ignores you- stalk her to find out when she goes to sleep
> >>> When she pulls away- grab her by her leg and dry hump her
> >>> When you see her at her worst- tell her she looks like shit
> >>> When she screams at you- scream at her in return and tell her if she wants to live till morning she is gonna shut up
> >>> When you see her walking- Sneak up on her and knock her out, then hang her by her feet in your shower
> >>> When she's scared- Scare her even more
> >>> When she looks like some things the matter- Tell her she owes u money
> >>> While she holds your hand- Break her fingers by pulling them back
> >>> I took about 3 minutes of your day now... see please dont send chainmail... its annoying
next time you send me anything I will spam the hell outta ya
You hate women
fap fap fap?